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Old Farmers Almanac Weather Journal Old Farmers Almanac Weather Journal

Your Very Own Historical Weather Log It sure seems like the summers are hotter and the winters warmer, but wouldn't you like to know for sure? Our Old Farmers Almanac Weather Journal allows you to record each days weather observations (temp, precip, wind, barometer, humidity and cloud cover) throughout the year. It also provides reference charts, a hurricane tracking map and notable events in weather history. Soft cover, 7" by 10".

1001 Questions Answered About the Weather1001 Questions Answered About the Weather.

This book contains many commonly asked questions about different types of weather. This book has few pictures, but a lot of information on every single topic that deals with the weather.

Author: Frank H. Forrester
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Atmosphere, a Peterson's Field GuideAtmosphere, a Peterson's Field Guide.

This book includes many black and white pictures of different types of clouds and other types of weather phenomena. Included at the back of the book are some advanced weather experiments.

Authors: Vincent J. Schaefer & John A. Day
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Clouds and StormsClouds and Storms, a National Audubon Society Pocket Guide.

This book contains many color pictures of clouds and other types of weather. On the page opposite the picture is an explanation of what type of cloud it is and what the significance is.

Authors: Ludlum, Holle, and Keen
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Audubon Field Guide to North American WeatherField Guide to North American Weather by the National Audubon Society.

This book contains 378 photographs of different types of weather events. In the back of the book, it explains when and where you might see an image like the ones shown.

Author: David M. Ludlum
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The Handy Weather Answer BookThe Handy Weather Answer Book.

This book has many commonly asked weather questions and makes the answer easy to understand. The book covers many topics and is highly recommended by the Team.

Author: Walter A. Lyons
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Teach Yourself WeatherTeach Yourself Weather.

This book takes on the task of explaining weather comprehensively yet keeping it readable. This book goes more in-depth on certain topics, so it is recommended only for people with a genuine interest in weather.

Author: Ralph Hardy
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Weather and the BibleWeather and the Bible.

This book takes a different approach to the weather. It explains the weather from a Christian perspective. The explanations are written to be easy to understand.

Author: Donald B. DeYoung
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USA Today Weather BookThe Weather Book by USA Today.

This book covers many topics on the weather and explains them in a very easy to understand format. It also includes many graphics to help explain the different types of weather. This book is highly recommended by the Team.

Author: Jack Williams
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Weather CompanionThe Weather Companion.

This book covers many areas of different weather books. The book contains meteorological history, science, legend, and folklore. Drawings and diagrams help to explain different topics.

Author: Gary Lockhart
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Weather ProverbsWeather Proverbs.

This book is a collections of 600 weather proverbs and folklore. Some folklore is accurate because there is science behind it while other folklore and proverbs are not. This is a fun book to read and to test the proverbs to see if they come true.

Author: George D. Freier
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This title owned by members of the Team.


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